Please note this website was created for the 2015 General Election. Due to the lack of preparation time, we have not updated this website for the 2017 Election. Why?

Advisory Committee on Justices of the Peace (x47)

To recruit, select and recommend to the Lord Chancellor and the Lord Chief Justice candidates with the necessary qualities for appointment as Justices of the Peace in England and Wales.

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Advisory Council on National Records and Archives

To advise the Lord Chancellor on matters relating to records and archives in the UK and in particular in England and Wales especially access to historical records and the preservation of records and manuscripts.

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Advisory Panel on Public Sector Information

To advise Ministers on how to encourage and create opportunities in the information industry for greater re-use of public sector information; to advise on changes and opportunities in the information industry; to review and consider complaints under the Re-use of Public Sector Information Regulations 2005 and advise on the impact of the complaints procedures under those regulations.

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Civil Justice Council

The Civil Justice Council has a statutory duty under the Civil Procedure Act 1997 to keep the civil justice system under review; consider how to make the civil justice system more accessible, fair and efficient; advise the Lord Chancellor and the Judiciary on the development of the civil justice system; refer proposals for change in the civil justice system to the Lord Chancellor and the Civil Procedure Committee; and make proposals for research.

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Civil Procedure Rule Committee

The Civil Procedure Rule Committee was created by virtue of Section 2 of the Civil Procedure Act 1997 (as amended by section 83 of the Courts Act 2003) to make rules of court for the Civil Division of the Court of Appeal, the High Court and the county courts.

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Criminal Cases Review Commission

To review possible miscarriages of justice in the criminal courts of England, Wales and to refer appropriate cases to the appeal courts.

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Criminal Injuries Compensation Authority

A government organisation that can pay money (compensation) to people who have been physically or mentally injured because they were the blameless victim of a violent crime.

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Criminal Procedure Rule Committee

To streamline and modernise the practice and procedure to be followed in the criminal trials of England and Wales (section 69 of the Courts Act 2003 refers.) The membership reflects the key participants in the conduct of a criminal case. The Criminal Procedure Rule Committee consults widely before making new rules.

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Family Justice Council

The Family Justice Council aims to facilitate the delivery of better and quicker outcomes for families and children who use the family justice system. The Council's primary role is to promote an inter-disciplinary approach to family justice, and through consultation and research, to monitor how effectively the system both as a whole and through its component parts delivers the service the Government and the public need and to advise on reforms necessary for continuous improvement. It is chaired by the President of the Family Division and under its revised terms of reference provides expert advice directly to the Family Justice Board and Government on the operation and reform of the Family Justice System.

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Family Procedure Rule Committee

The Family Procedure Rule Committee will seek to produce a single, coherent and simply expressed set of rules governing practice and procedure in family proceedings in the High Court and family court. Before making such rules the committee will consult as it thinks appropriate.

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Her Majesty's Courts and Tribunals Service

HM Courts & Tribunals Service is responsible for the administration of the criminal, civil and family courts and tribunals in England and Wales and non-devolved tribunals in Scotland and Northern Ireland. It supports a fair, efficient and effective justice system delivered by an independent judiciary.

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Independent Advisory Panel on Deaths in Custody

To act as the primary source of independent advice to ministers and service leaders on measures to reduce the number and rate of deaths in custody. To consult and engage with stakeholders to collect, analyse and disseminate information about deaths in custody and the lessons that can be learned from them. To carry out thematic enquiries into areas of concern. To issue and monitor compliance with guidance on best practice for reducing deaths in custody. To commission research and make recommendations to ministers for changes in policy or operational practice, which would help to reduce the incidence of death in custody.

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Independent Monitoring Boards of Prisons, Immigration Removal Centres and Short-Term Holding Rooms (x137)

Independent Monitoring Boards are appointed by the Secretary of State under Section 6 of the Prisons Act 1952 or section 152 of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999 as appropriate. They act as independent ‘watchdogs' and their duty is to satisfy themselves as to the treatment of prisoners/detainees and the administration and state of the premises.

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Information Commissioner’s Office

The Information Commissioner's Office is the UK's independent authority set up to uphold information rights in the public interest, promoting openness by public bodies and data privacy for individuals.

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Insolvency Rules Committee

The Insolvency Rules Committee is appointed under section 413 of the Insolvency Act 1986 so that the Lord Chancellor may consult it before making any rules under section 411 (company insolvency rules) or section 412 (individual insolvency rules) of the Act. The Committee consists of members of the legal and accountancy professionals.

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Judicial Appointments Commission

The Judicial Appointments Commission is an independent commission that selects candidates for judicial office in courts and tribunals in England and Wales, and for some tribunals whose jurisdiction extends to Scotland or Northern Ireland.

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Law Commission of England and Wales

The Law Commission is a statutory independent body. It was created to keep the law under review and, where necessary, to recommend reform of the law to Government. The Law Commission's aims are to ensure that the law is as fair, modern, simple and as cost-effective as possible. It reviews areas of the law that have become unduly complicated, outdated or unfair. It conducts research and consultation in order to: (1) make systematic recommendations for consideration by Parliament, (2) codify the law, (3) eliminate anomalies, (4) repeal obsolete and unnecessary enactments and (5) reduce the number of separate statutes. The functions of the Law Commission are set out in two Acts: Law Commissions Act 1965 and Law Commission Act 2009.

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Legal Services Board

The Legal Services Board (LSB) oversees the regulation of legal services in England and Wales. It does this through its oversight of ten bodies, the approved regulators, who themselves regulate directly the circa 120,000 lawyers practising throughout the jurisdiction. The LSB does not regulate any legal service provider directly. Working with the approved regulators, the LSB is responsible for ensuring the highest standards of competence, conduct and service in the legal profession both for the benefit of individual consumers and the public generally. The LSB is also responsible for appointing the Office for Legal Complaints, to administer an ombudsman scheme to deal with consumers' complaints about legal services.

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National Offender Management Service (NOMS)

The Agency's role is to commission and provide offender services in the community and in custody ensuring best value for money from public resources. NOMS work to protect the public and reduce reoffending by delivering the punishment and orders of the courts and supporting rehabilitation by helping offenders to reform their lives.

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Office of the Public Guardian

The OPG's remit is to support and enable people to plan ahead to prepare for both their health and their finances to be looked after should they lose capacity in future, and to safeguard the interests of people who may lack the mental capacity to make certain decisions for themselves.

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Parole Board of England and Wales

The Parole Board is an independent body that works with its criminal justice partners to protect the public by risk assessing prisoners to decide whether they can be safely released into the community.

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Prison Services Pay Review Body

To provide independent advice on the remuneration of governing governors and operational managers, prison officers and support grades in the England and Wales Prison Service. The Review Body also provides independent advice on the remuneration of prison governors, prison officers and support grades in the Northern Ireland Prison Service.

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Probation Trusts (x 35)

Probation Trusts supervise offenders charged with and convicted of crimes. The aim is to help offenders lead responsible and law abiding lives through providing advice to courts, assessment of offenders and judgement of how to reduce the risk they pose. Probation Trusts seek to influence positive changes in offenders' behaviour, deliver the sentences of courts and work with other agencies to protect the public.

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Sentencing Council for England and Wales

The Sentencing Council for England and Wales promotes greater consistency in sentencing, whilst maintaining the independence of the judiciary. The Council produces guidelines on sentencing for the judiciary and aims to increase public understanding of sentencing.

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Tribunal Procedure Committee

The Tribunal Procedure Committee was created by paragraph 22 of the Tribunals, Courts and Enforcement Act 2007 to make rules governing the practice and procedure in the First–tier Tribunal and Upper Tribunal.

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Youth Justice Board for England and Wales

The YJB oversees the youth justice system in England and Wales, working to prevent offending and reoffending by children and young people under the age of 18 and ensuring that custody for them is safe, secure, and addresses the causes of their offending behaviour.

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2015 General Election Guides

2015 Election Guide

Information about what to expect at the general election 2015, including timetable of events, results and guides.

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© Copyright 2014/2024 Who Shall I Vote For? and Chris Haycock Policy scoring algorithm updated 22 October 2024 at 19:13