As the railway industry's independent health and safety and economic regulator, the Office's principal functions are to: ensure that Network Rail manages the national network efficiently and in a way that meets the needs of its users; encourages continuous health and safety performance; secures compliance with relevant health and safety law, including taking enforcement action as necessary; develops policy and enhances relevant railway health and safety legislation; and licences operators of railway assets, setting the terms for access by operators to the network and other railway facilities, and enforces competition law in the rail sector.
PB13 Entry | FULL |
PB Reform | Retain |
Regulatory Function | Yes |
Chairs Remuneration (p.a. unless otherwise stated) | |
Chief Executive / Secretary Remuneration | 141000 |
Public Meetings | No |
Public Minutes | Yes |
Register of Interests | Yes |
Ombudsman | Parliamentary |
Last Annual Report | 2012-13 |
Last Review | 2012 |
Audit Arrangements | NAO |
OCPA Regulated | Yes |