Please note this website was created for the 2015 General Election. Due to the lack of preparation time, we have not updated this website for the 2017 Election. Why?
Please note that we are currently updating our website to represent the results of the 2015 General Election, the newly elected MPs and their respective constituencies.
North West Leicestershire is a UK parliament constituency that is represented in the House of Commons by Andrew Bridgen of the Conservative party.
The North West Leicestershire constituency has a total population of 94,018, of which 74,073 are eligible (18+) to vote (78.8%).
North West Leicestershire ranks 187th in a list of the largest constituencies in the UK (geographical size), and 370th in a list of the largest constituencies by population size.
Andrew James Bridgen (born 28 October 1964) is a Conservative Party politician and businessman. Since May 2010 he has been the Member of Parliament (MP) for the constituency of North West Leicestershire.
Wikipedia page:
Address | Andrew Bridgen MP, House of Commons, London, SW1A 0AA |
Phone Number | 020 7219 4272 |
Political Party | Conservative |
Email Address | |
Constituency | North West Leicestershire |
Gender | Male |
Date of Birth | 28/10/1964 |
Twitter Profile | |
Party Page | Website |
Wikipedia Page | Visit Wiki |
49.5% | 27.4% | 3.9% | 2.3 % | 16.9% |
Conservative Labour Liberal Democrat | Green Party UKIP |
Election turnout for the North West Leicestershire constituency in 2015 was 71.40%, higher than the average UK turnout at 66.1%.
Candidate | Party | Gender | Date of Birth | Website | |
Andrew Bridgen | Conservative | Male | 28 October 1964 (61) | - | - |
Andy McWilliam | UK Independence Party | Male | - | - | |
Benjamin Gravestock | Green | Male | 29 June 1985 (40) | - | - |
Jamie McMahon | Labour | Male | - | - | |
Mark Argent | Liberal Democrat | Male | 24 June 1964 (61) | - | |
Party | Votes | Share |
Turnout | % |
Election turnout for the North West Leicestershire constituency in 2010 was %, lower than the average UK turnout at 65.1%.
This graph shows the results from 99 people in the North West Leicestershire constituency who have taken our quiz, displaying which party best matches their opinions of the series of questions we ask.
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